Luisa Rocco

Elisa Fossati
Choreography: Nils Christe Music: Ludovico Einaudi
Choreography: Nils Christe Music: Ludovico Einaudi

Jan-Erik Wikström / Marie Lindqvist

Jan-Erik Wikström / Marie Lindqvist
Swan Lake with choreography of Natalia Conus after Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov.

"La Bayadere", a ballet in three acts. Choreography by Natalia Makarova after Marius Petipa.
Performed at the amphitheater of the Acropolis of Athens, Septemeber 13, 2006

Dragos Mihalcea / Adrian Navarro

Mats Ek

Oscar Salomonsson
World premier of "Rättika" of Mats Ek at the Royal Swedish Opera

AdiLiJiang Abudureheman

Olof Westring

Nadja Sellrup
World Premier of "The Ringer of Notre Dame" by Pär Isberg

Jeannette Diaz-Barboza

Örjan Andersson

David Dawson

Anna Valev
Örjan Andersson with "Quartet #11" and David Dawson's "The Grey Area".

Nathalie Perriraz

Performance at Vitaberg Park, Stockholm

Jens Rosén
"Por vos muero" and "Castrati" by Nacho Duarte

World premier of "Pippi Longstockings" by Pär Isberg.

World premier and masquerade ball of Patrice Bart's Gustav III.

John Neumeier's "Peer Gynt"

"Romeo and Juliet" choreography by Sir Kenneth MacMillan

"Mozart Mass in C Minor" of Stijin Celis