"Tosca" of Giacomo Puccini directed by Knut Hendriksson
"Karmelite Sisters" of Francis Poulenc, directed by Johanna Garpe
"La Traviata", Giuseppe Verdi directed by Kasper Bech Holten
"La Traviata", Giuseppe Verdi directed by Staffan Valdemar Holm
Don Giovanni of Mozart directed by Stein Winge.
Kastrater directed by Ann-Margret Pettersson
"Don Carlos" of Guiseppe Verdi, directed by Friedrich Meyer-Oertel
Poster proposal for "La Bohème"
"Tristan and Isolde" of Rikard Wagner
"Capriccio" of Richard Strauss; directed by Wilhelm Carlsson, scenography by Lars Östbergh
"Die Fledermaus" of Johann Strauss, directed by Ann-Margret Pettersson.
"Il trovatore" of Guiseppe Verdi, scenography detail of Reinhard von der Thannen.
"Svall" of Daniel Börtz, directed by Elisabet Ljungar
"The Magic Flute" of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, direction and scenography by Ole Anders Tandberg
"Valkyrie" of Richard Wagner, directed by Staffan Valdemar Holm
"La fanciulla del West" of Giacomo Puccini directed by Christof Loy
"Carmen" of Georges Bizet
"Salome" of Richard Strauss, directed by Göran Järvefelt
"Samson and Delilah" of Camille Saint-Saëns, directed by André Barbe & Renaud Doucet.